Relationship Repair

Work together with your partner to rebuild a stronger relationship - even if you are currently the only one trying to make things work

Rebuild Your Relationship Today - $47 USD

Relationship Repair


Improving a relationship -- or even saving it from the brink of breakup or divorce -- can seem complicated or impossible... at least if you don't understand one simple concept that can change everything for you and your relationship.

Rebuild Your Relationship Today - $47 USD

One Simple Shift That Can Change Everything In Your Relationship

So many people struggling in their relationships have tried countless things:

  • Counseling 
  • Studying "attachment styles" and other pop-psychology flavors of the week to analyze your partner
  • Playing "armchair psychologist" to diagnose their partner with some sort of mental condition
  • Reverse psychology, mind games, or some other form of power struggle
  • Using the silent treatment
  • Trying to understand men or women
  • Or various other things.

Sound familiar?

Yet, for all the effort people are putting in, it doesn't seem to be giving good results.

Why is that?

Well, listen up, because I'm going to tell you a little secret.

The reason that these sorts of things don't work (and never will) is because they position you and your partner as being on opposite teams.

You're trying to get what you want... and they're trying to get what they want.

And both of you are defending yourselves from the other person's attempt to get what they want.

This results in obvious problems such as arguing and fighting, sure... but it will also show up in other, more subtle ways, such as...

  • Walking on eggshells
  • Analyzing your partner and trying to guess what they are thinking or feeling.
  • Worrying about countless "what if" scenarios
  • Rehearsing and practicing imaginary conversations with them in your mind, planning for every objection or response they might give you
  • And so many other little things.

Does any of this sound familiar?


Finally Get Your Partner To Work WITH You (Not AGAINST You)

Since so much advice only sets you and your partner up to be on opposite teams and to fight against each other, is it no wonder that you might be experiencing so many problems?

And all it takes to get things to work so much more easily is one simple shift.

And that's this...

Going from being on opposite teams to playing on the same team.

When the two f you first got together, you both probably wanted the same things.

That's why relationships usually start out so wonderfully.

But somewhere along the way, things changed.

And now you're not on the same team anymore.

And if you're tired of the fighting, the icy silence, the walking on eggshells, the attempts at mind reading, and just overthinking every little thing...

Then all you really need to do is make the shift to playing on the same team.

And suddenly you and your partner will be working together.

  • You'll be communicating more.
  • You'll be enjoying each other again.
  • There will be more intimacy, understanding, and cooperation.

In other words, you'll have the relationship that you know you can have with them.

Does that sound good?

Is that something you'd like?

If so, then you'd probably benefit a lot from Relationship Repair.

Works With Text Messages And Social Media

These techniques help you connect with your partner through text message or social media as well as in-person.

Has Your Partner Already Left You?

These strategies will help you even if your partner has already left you or is even in a relationship with someone new.

Works For Stubborn And Resistant Partners

The "Same Team Conversation" has a very high success rate, even with stubborn or resistant people.

Works As Long As You Have The Ability To Communicate

As long as you have the ability to talk with your partner (they haven't blocked you or refuse to even talk to you), this will work

Rebuild Your Relationship Today - $47 USD

Instructor: Clay Andrews


Clay has been helping people save their relationships from the most challenging situations since 2009.

Many of his clients have gone on to get married, have children, or live out their dreams with the person they were on the verge of losing.

Clay's experience draws on years of personal development work, client work, as well as his own experience getting back together with his ex-girlfriend back in 2004.

Clay has been there himself, and gone through many of the struggles that his clients have as well.

Relationship Repair

Work together with your partner to rebuild a stronger relationship -- even if you are currently the only one trying to make things work

Rebuild Your Relationship Today - $47 USD